There’s More to a Bubble Than Rising Home Prices
What truly causes a housing bubble and the inevitable crash? For the best explanation, let’s go to a person who correctly called the last housing bubble – a year before it happened. “A bubble requires both overvaluation based on fundamentals and speculation. It is...
Want to Buy a New Home? Find New Home Builds in Los Angeles
Want to Buy a New Home? Find New Home Builds in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. The most up to date info in one search.
What If I Wait Until Next Year to Buy a Home?
As a seller, you will likely be most concerned about ‘short-term price’ – where home values are headed over the next six months. As a buyer, however, you must not be concerned about price, but instead about the ‘long-term cost’ of the home.
How Much More Equity In Your Home Over the Last Year?
Lower-priced homes have appreciated at greater rates than homes at the upper ends of the spectrum due to demand from first-time home buyers and baby boomers looking to downsize.
There’s More to a Bubble Than Rising Home Prices
What truly causes a housing bubble and the inevitable crash? For the best explanation, let’s go to a person who correctly called the last housing bubble – a year before it happened. “A bubble requires both overvaluation based on fundamentals and speculation. It is...
Want to Buy a New Home? Find New Home Builds in Los Angeles
Want to Buy a New Home? Find New Home Builds in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. The most up to date info in one search.
What If I Wait Until Next Year to Buy a Home?
As a seller, you will likely be most concerned about ‘short-term price’ – where home values are headed over the next six months. As a buyer, however, you must not be concerned about price, but instead about the ‘long-term cost’ of the home.
How Much More Equity In Your Home Over the Last Year?
Lower-priced homes have appreciated at greater rates than homes at the upper ends of the spectrum due to demand from first-time home buyers and baby boomers looking to downsize.
How Much Equity Do You Have In Your Home? You Will Be Surprised!
If you are one of the many Americans who is unsure of how much equity you have built in your home, don’t let that be the reason you fail to move on to your dream home in 2018! Let’s get together to evaluate your situation!
712,000 US Homes Moved Into Positive Equity in 2017
The average homeowner gained approximately $14,900 in equity during the past year. Compared to Q3 2016, negative equity decreased 22% from 3.2 million homes, or 6.3% of all mortgaged properties. U.S. homeowners with mortgages (roughly 63% of all homeowners) have seen their equity increase by a total of $870.6 billion since Q3 2016, an increase of 11.8%, year-over-year.
First Step To Buying A Home Is Getting Pre Approved
One way to show you are serious about buying your dream home is to get pre-qualified or pre-approved for a mortgage before starting your search.
The Cartier Experience
California Homes Days on Market Drops below 30 in October 2017
The National Association of REALTORS® surveyed their members for their Confidence Index.
Charts Don’t Lie About Housing Affordability
There’s a lot of discussion about the current state of housing affordability for both first-time and move-up buyers. Much of the narrative is tarnished with a negative slant.